August 6, 2014

Darren gets Christened!

On Easter Sunday we were so fortunate to have our awesome family, "The Gods", and the newest "Gods" (also known as Dodds), join us in Ardmore at my parents church to Christen Baby Dee. 

Father Steve with Dee. I love this photo.
The service was wonderful. Well, all except big sister dumping cheerios at the alter. 
Ballerina was very concerned that her brother was wearing a dress. That dress is special to our family. Most all the cousins, my grandfather, great grandfather and more have been christened in that gown. I love the tradition. Each person's name is embroidered on the inside. 
I forced everyone to wear white in an attempt at family photos! hahahaha.
Hey, what is everyone looking at?
Everyone look at Ballerina...
The Browns... first family photo.
 Our family so is blessed with amazing friends. Sammie has amazing God-parents and Baby Dee does as well. I am thrilled that my friends are so involved with my children!
Katie & Doyle... Baby Dee's God Parents!
Hugging on brother.
 Now if you know my family, you know that my God Parents are a HUGE part of my life. As kids, I thought their daughter, my awesome friend Erin, was my God-Sister. Soooo... we call each other... The Gods. To bring things full circle, Erin is Sammie's God Mother and I am her daughter, Halle, God Mother. We were so happy to have them share Easter with us this year!!
Halle and Dee.
Run Sammie Run. Get those eggs!
First real egg hunt!
 Sammie loved hunting eggs!! She wasn't super quick but Addi was so sweet to share eggs or help to point them out to Sammie and Hal.

Watching the girls open eggs was amazing for me. I have more memories that I can count of Easters as a kid with "the Gods" going through our eggs. I would love to carry on the tradition.

We can't let Ballerina steal all of Baby Dee's thunder on his big day! We were very lucky to get a pic of Baby Dee with Big Dee!! I will treasure these pictures for life! 

 It was a fabulous weekend. Thank you to all our friends and family that joined in the celebration. 

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