Who knew that May 24, 2012 would turn out to be the most amazing day in our lives?!
A little recap of the day we met Samantha Reese!
We headed to the hospital at 6am that morning. We did have to make a quick pit stop at Starbucks for the husband to get his caffeine fix. Ha! I was quite jealous!!
Arriving at the hospital ready to have a baby!! I was super nervous and excited all at the same time!
Once we were all checked into the hospital, we headed to pre-op. It sure felt like a lot of waiting and waiting but in reality things moved quite quickly.
A tad shocked at myself for posting this picture. I was so mad at Brian for taking it at the time but now I can look back and see just how incredibly HUGE that belly was!!
Brian getting ready to scrub in!! Well, okay, he really wasn't scrubbing in to surgery or anything but ya know what I mean! I was thoroughly amused my the size of scrubs they gave him. Apparently they have 2 sizes... BIG and REALLY BIG.
Shortly after Brian got his get up on, they took me back to the OR to get the epidural. I really did NOT want to go back there alone but they will not let your husband see the big ol needle shoved in your back. For anyone that has never had an epidural, its not as bad as I thought it would be... until I lost feeling in my legs. I HATED not being able to move my legs. Maybe it was the control freak in me but I really wanted to be able to move my toes.
Eventually they brought Brian in the room and it was time to have a baby!! Did you know that they will pull the curtain down and show you the baby being born?!!!??? We said NO! I did not need to see that.
Her very first picture!! Not sure what is happening there!!
Look at those FEET!! Little one was so breach that it took a lot to keep those feet down for the first week.
Here is the princess!!! She looks HUGE to me in these pics!! How in the world did she fit in my belly?!
Tipping the scale at 7lbs. 12 oz! We were 2 weeks early too! Can you imagine how big princess would have been at full term? And check out that tongue! Little Miss Priss always has that thing out! And the hair! OH THE HAIR! Big prize to anyone that can figure out what color her hair will be. Some days it is red, some days really blonde and others it looks light brown.
I had waited a REALLY LONG 9 months for this moment!! Sadly, I was unaware that this would be the last time I saw her for HOURS! Not completely the hospitals fault. I had a small allergic reaction the the anesthetic. Boooooooo.
Look at all our friends who were patiently waiting to see the princess for the first time!!
Here she is!! Look at those LONG legs!! Ballerina may be a Rockette after all!
Showing off his little princess.
Here she is!! Look at those LONG legs!! Ballerina may be a Rockette after all!
Showing off his little princess.
Brian handing me Samantha for the first time!!
Best moment EVER!!
I will continue to catch up on the blog in the coming week. As you can imagine, we have been soaking up little Ballerina Brown lately and the blogging has taken a back seat.